Sunday, December 28, 2008

Life is multiple choice....not!

As I sat correcting a worksheet on using the calculator to find the mean, median and mode of a set of numbers I was "almost" shocked when I discovered that one of my student hadn't found the mean, median or mode. Instead, the student had merely gone through each question and instead of writing the mean for the set of numbers next to the word mean, instead of writing the median for the set of numbers next to the word median, instead of writing the mode of the set of numbers next to the word mode--the student had circled one of the three words as if the answers to each question were in the form of a multiple choice. So, for question 1 the student had circled mean as the answer to the question... Find the mean, median and mode for the following set of numbers: 18, 16, 15, 15, 16, 17, 15, 14. Is it any wonder why I suffer a headache at the end of every school day?????

When I teach this concept to a new group of students this next semester I must remember to remind them that worksheets, like life, are not multiple choice.

1 comment:

Chat Blanc said...

Or you could really confuse them and make test questions that are multiple-multiple choice like my college accounting prof did to us. No surprise my view of life is warped. ;)